Monday, 28 April 2008

3-D SiP(System-in-Package) Design & Simulation for T-DMB

Pak Jiwoo

T-DMB(Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) is a digital broadcasting system, using transmitters on the ground, for sending multimedia information to mobile devices, even when they are moving. As T-DMB technology is usually used in mobile devices, a system with as small as possible is required for T-DMB. Since SiP(System-in-Package) is a solution to make a whole electronic system in a small package, with low cost & short development time, SiP for T-DMB can be the perfect solution for the market needs. In this presentation, you can get the concept of SiP, especially for the mixed-mode system such as T-DMB. For the design of T-DMB SiP, you can also find out what the challenging issue is, and some solutions for it, proven by simulation.

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